The Core Concepts in Mindful Eating is every professionals How To book which explains more than the benefits of mindful eating. It offers evidence based counseling techniques that include Motivational Interviewing, Self-compassion training, Non-violent Communication, and 25 years of Megrette’s practical experience broken down into three understandable sections.
Introduction: Why Mindful Eating?
Section 1: Non-Judgment, Meditation, and Self-kindness
Section 1 will focus on engaging in knowledge regarding what is non-judgment, meditation, self-kindness.
- Chapter 1: The Spirit of Nonjudgment
- Chapter 2: Meditation
- Chapter 3: Self-kindness
Section 2: Introduces the reader to the Mindful Eating Map. This map outlines five steps to bring mindful eating into a daily practice. This section builds on the learning of non-judgment, meditation, and self-kindness and allow the mind to focus and remain present with sensory/physical, cognitive/thought and emotional/feelings
- Chapter 4: Sensory Experience While Eating
- Chapter 5: Thought Experience
- Chapter 6: Emotional Experience
Section 3: Introduces the reader to Steps 3-5 of the Mindful Eating Map. In steps 3-5 the reader begins to identify their personal needs and to take steps to reduce their unmet needs. This continue by establishing the intention to meet needs with self-compassion and the final step is to advocate for yourself ethically.
- Chapter 7:Identifying Your Needs
- Chapter 8:Creating Your Intention
- Chapter 9: Advocating for Your Practice
- Chapter 10: Teaching Your Passion